トップ > スペシャル > NEX-A POINT BASE CAMP ASIA > philippines
How to exchange?
Promotion cards can be redeemed in the specific card shops.
1. You can simply apply for NEX-A Point Base Camp redemption by going to the specific shops.
2. Tell the shopkeeper the promotion card and quantity that you want.
3. Pass enough NEX-A points to the shop.
4. Finally, you will get the promotion card at the shop in next month.
Generally, it takes around 1month to get the promotion card.
Shops will summarize all the applications monthly on 20th.
The promotion card will be available in the shops on 10th of next month.
You can get the promotion card at the specific shop at after 10th of next month.
(For example, you submit application in the period 21st Oct - 20th Nov.
The promotion card will be available in the shop on 10th Dec.
You can go to the shop and get the promotion card after 10th Dec.)
Specific Shop List:
■Neutral Grounds Glorietta
3/F MCS Building, Glorietta, 2 Ayala Center, Makati City 1224
■Neutral Grounds Centris Walk
Centris Mall, Corner of Quezon Avenue and Edsa, Quezon City